Sunday, November 23, 2008

Let's upset mummy a little bit more Aine

See Aine in new coat

Ain't Aine a pretty baby? Sweetness to the extreme dont you think?

and than....


UGH. hence white bread eating is commencing.
Seriously i am waiting for the 3rd thing to drop - everything happens in threes to me!
Btw Rach made it here and we are off to The Russian Tea Room! WOOT! Definately happy about that! HUGS all! Nan

We are now eating white bread to soak up any balsum wood snacks and I have to looks for nasty stuff


Cricket said...

Yikes on the button eating! she sure does look awful cute in her coat though so it must be hard to be angry with the girl! :)

Enjoy your visit with your friend!


Ayatollah Mugsy said...

Perhaps, God willing, you can salvage the button ...

Tracy Lathrop said...

OMG!! Buttons are tasty though just ask my Gizmo!! He loves to eat them too! It is his small way of rebelling the fact that he has to wear close! Lol!! Aine looks so stinkin cute in her little coat though!! Hope you have an awesome time with your friend!!

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