Than... I re-hurt my KNEE. LMAO. Can we say reality check? So now Ms. Aine is being Nurse Aine while I prop up the knee with a heating bad and administer the Advil.
Anyways... yep another year and I think I am a little bit wiser. I think. :)
I never am good at New Years Resolutions - so I try to do the "goal setting" at my bday. Last year - as you know - I accomplished a major goal of mine - became a CPM. *still all squee* and that was like my only goal. Which is bad because I gained loads of weight and had bad study*cough* eating* cough habits. So this year - here are my new goals (not in any order):
- Take the CPSM and pass before Dec. 31, 2008
- Get my weight down to the biggest Anthropolgie size. lol (HEY! Got to start somewhere!) so that I can basically sign my paychecks over to said fan-tabulous store.
- spend more time crafting and reading stuff for FUN! That means committing to and following through on challenges.
- clean out my basement and my closet.
- attempt to get Aine certified for the good canine citzen test so she can be a READ.SIT DOG or hospital therapy dog. Joe and I always LOVED those dogs when he was in the hosptial. They really helped all the cardiac patients greatly and Aine would be a perfect therapy dog - I just have to train her!
- get the non-paper clutter (ie bills etc) in gear and organized
- get back to creating cards for my family and friends before there bday! I have to use all those supplies yo'all!
- get my upstairs bathroom retiled/remodeled.
- attempt to become a gardener of some sort (YEA RIGHT!)
- definately paint the windows on my deck.
- wear my contacts on a daily basis.
- blizzards are regulated to one time a week if that!!! *needs to be followed!*
- Need to commit to good food every day.
Luckily - I will be accomplishing one of my goals (crafting!) really soon. You may all know that I am going to SISinersary with Martha and Peg and a whole LOADs of SISters and I AM SOOOO excited. I will be off work 2 weeks. In the South for one week and having way TO MUCH FUN and missing Ms. Aine greatly. I have never been to Tenn. so I am looking forward to this trip! I have been reading the book The Widow of the South and it is quite interesting. It is fascinating because I am going to a town where history took place - being the history minor that I was that geeks me out greatly. I also heard about Gatlenburgh(sp?) where there was a Revolutionary War settlement - can you believe that? I was shocked to hear about that. I guess my geography is all a bit screwed up because I never imagined the Revolutionary War was around areas like TENN! How sad is my knowledge or what?! Also I am on a hunt to find a Type Case and these stamps. Basically Englishy. heeeheheh
Okay I must get back to the work you all!! HUGS! Nan and Nurse Aine
I love your toes! And I know what you mean. My feet are the skinniest part of my body, too! *laugh*
Aww! I want to go to the SIStvAniversary, too! Aww!
Say "HI" from Nevis to Martha and Peg for me!
Love, love, love the toes...ooh lala!
Hope your day is fabulous, like you are! We'll celebrate at SISiversaryu, k?
Birthday Hugs!
Happy Birfday!!!
Come in on Monday, I've got a little something for ya!!
Happy toes, cool dress!!
1 more week...I can't stand it!!!!!
love the toe art, so cool!! Yay on passing the test girlfriend, that is awesome!! So happy for you!
Enjoy the SIS retreat, sure wish I was going!
Happy Happy Birthday to you too!!!!!
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