Finally my home computer is set up! It has not been updated in ages so that took forever. Also the wireless 2wire USB ROCKS. It was SO dang EASY. The computer was in my bedroom in an uncomfortable chair and desk. So it needed to come out of hiding. I downloaded SO MANY 80's Hits (Mr. Roboto, Come on Eileen to name a few!) that it was sick. I forgot how much fun Itunes really is. They now even rent MOVIES so I could seriously watch movies on my computer! And here I was concerned about setting up my slingbox(which btw may not happen!)! I realized a big thing this weekend, I really can't watch TV when I am sewing - one needs to pay ATTENTION! So the music was perfect. I was bepopping away (quite literally) while I sewed out of the Amy Butler book, In Stiches.
Before I forget...
BEST PRESS is the best non-starcher starcher (if that makes sense) EVER. I just may buy a gallon of it! Also you can BARELY see it but I found a shappy chic type of hook thingy that my sister bought me ages ago (it is on the fireplace). It is a light blue so I need to paint it white. It will be perfect for aprons, pet leashes and sweaters/coats.
Okay Matt Lauer is in Buenas Aires. I WANT TO GO!
Okay got to go back to it! Hugs ALL! Nan
Can't wait to see what you sew with that lovely fabric!
80's music is my scrapping music of choice lately! So glad to see you are finally getting to play in your fab new craft-space!!
oooh, can't wait to see what you have been up to!! Isn't iTunes da bomb...I have mine playing all the time!
I love Amy B fabric....drool, drool
So happy for some creative time for you!! Kiss Aine for Yoda.
1 1/2 months and we meet IRL!!!
Oh sewing makes me happy. Oh so happy:) think of me singing it:) no wait don't...but im so happy for you!
see you soon!
Looks like a groovy creative space. And what a cute doggy :)
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