Also - Tag! you are it. Aine's Husband has tagged her.... By http://ayatollahmugsy.blogspot.com/
People who are tagged need to write these rules in theirown blogs & share eight things about themselves that others might not know. At the end of their blog post, they need to tag six people and list their (blog) names. Leave a comment on the blogs of the people they’ve chosen telling them they’ve been tagged and encouraging them to come over and read the eight things you’ve written on your blog.
1.) I am a petite pug! I hover around 12 - 13 pds.
1.) I am a petite pug! I hover around 12 - 13 pds.
2) My half brothers live about 3 miles from me .... Davey Crocket weights 30 pds, Davey weight 25.
3) My mummy says I have better clothes than her. Which is very true.
4)I am in the "long distance harem" of http://ayatollahmugsy.blogspot.com/
5) Did I mention? My picture is in the credits in the Underdog Movie? HEE
6) Mummy has loads of pictures of ME. I shudder to think what her scrapbooks will look like.
7) I enjoy sleeping with mummy. She is always nice and warm
8) I am named after my mummy's favorite country and her 2 best friends!
I tag.... who ever wants to play n ext!
Let me know what ya think! Thanks! Nan
You are a tiny pug, Aine. Is it hard to find a burqa in your size?
It is VERY hard to find a burqa in my size my husband. You should have seen mummy making my Hogwarts costume. It was a travesty due to my petite body.
Btw - did you check ebay? HEEE.
Ooooh, the album is coming along nicely, can't wait to see it this weekend!
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